Lesson 10:10 poems 

1. Study abroad in New Zealand 

Nervous to go 

I don’t speak English well 

I don’t know about New Zealand 

I don’t want to live apart from family 
However, at the same time 

Exciting to go 

I want to try to speak English 

I want to go to New Zealand soon 

I want to see my host family 

2.Begin to study English 

My first English class in elementary school 

I don’t know English 

I don’t understand English 

I don’t have any idea about English 


Teacher teaches us English kindly 

We sing bright songs 

We enjoy English games 

I feel at ease 


English is a great fun!

3. Elementary school’s class 

The best game is bingo 

Print the number on paper 

Teacher says the number 

We paint the number


I don’t understand English 

So I don’t remember the number in English 


My friends help me 

Very fun game 

Thanks to friends 

4.I start studying English 

Teacher teaches me number,color…

And month

I can’t remember only month

The month is complexity 


Teacher gives me the monthly song 

I sing the monthly song 

Sing,sing and sing 

Thanks to this song 

I can remember the month!!!

I sing with smile again 

5.At Tokyo Disneyland

“Where did you buy your popcorn?”

the foreigner ask me 

I don’t say anything at the moment 

“Oh… I , I , I buy pooh’s area!”

I can’t speak English very well 

I can’t tell the information 


“Thank you!”

the foreigner smiles me 

the foreigner says “Goodbye ”

I say “Goodbye” with smile

6.In New Zealand 

Host mother said me

“You cook dinner with my daughter today.”

“Oh really?”

I’m very nervous

Because I’m not good at cooking 


Host sister is good at cooking 

She helps me! 

Moreover I remember cooking rice in junior high school 

Thanks to her and school 

I make the delicious Japanese dishes!

7. In high school 

We make the short drama in class 

At first 

We don’t come up with idea 

We stop talking 

Around Heavy atomosphere


My friend thinks of a good idea 

We continue to talk 

Around bright atomosphere

We make the drama three girls talking about boyfriends 

Three girls are main characters of ancient stories 

I enjoy acting “Little Red Riding Hood”

Everyone smiles after we act

I learn we can tell you 

If we try to hard 

8. Give a presentation about West Virginia state 

I research the size,population and specialty goods

And I understand 

West Virginia has very beautiful scene 

I want to introduce you!

I want to tell you well!

At the same time 

When I wait for my turn 

I don’t want to give a presentation 

I don’t want to speak in my turn

After the presentation 

Everyone smiles at me 

I smile too! 

9. English conversation class 

After I finished my club 

I begin to go to there

For the first time 

My face looks tight 

I can’t speak English well 

Moreover,I think Teacher looks angry 

However,one month later 

My face looks cheerful smile 

I can enjoy English!

Teacher smiles too

10.On the first day in New Zealand

I can’t speak English

I say “OK” or “Yes” only

My host mother is just smiling at me

I try hard to study English 


I try to tell host family about today’s happenings 

On the last day in New Zealand,

I can speak English now.

I can tell you long sentences about today 

My host mother says,

“Your English becomes very good!”

I try to study English hard

Lead to motivation
